June 2022: Yin Liu presented a paper, 'Medieval Information Architecture', for the online conference series of the Canadian Society of Medievalists / Société canadienne des médiévistes, 'Medieval Tuesdays'.
June 2021: Congratulations to Ariel Brecht, who successfully defended her MA thesis, 'MS Ege 4: A Preacher's Companion,' and is heading to Toronto to continue her research in a PhD program there. You can read about her work on a fragmented 13th-century sermon collection here.
September 2019: With research assistance from Madison Taylor, Yin Liu presented a public talk, 'Information Spaces: How Reading Changed in the Middle Ages,' to the Vancouver year-end event of the Special Libraries Association of Canada, Western Chapter.
June 2019: Welcome to new team member Ariel Brecht, currently pursuing an MA in History at the University of Saskatchewan. Although the Medieval Codes project grant is now all wrapped up, Ariel has her very own SSHRC funding to study thirteenth-century sermon manuscripts.
July 2018: Yin Liu presented a paper, 'Visual Indexing in Medieval England: Memory, Mind, and Information,' at a session on 'Visual Remembrance' at the Leeds International Medieval Congress in the UK. Our SSHRC grant has now come to an end, but various team members still contribute as volunteers. I wish to thank all of the Medieval Codes team, past and present, for their great work. And the project continues.
October 2017: Congratulations to Julie Maseka and Madison Taylor, who graduated with their Honours BA degrees in English and are now contemplating old books in Calgary and Vancouver, respectively. Welcome to new team member G. Sinclair, an MA student in English here at the U of S, who is investigating manuscripts of Bede's Historia.
June 2017: Yin Liu with the assistance of Madison Taylor presented a paper, 'Rereading the Middle Ages,' at the conference of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.
April 2017: Congratulations to Hailey Mullock, who graduated with her BA in Honours English and went off to Toronto to study information (yes, you can do that). She remains on the team as a project volunteer.
January 2017: Congratulations to Danielle Grant, who completed her MA at the University of Saskatchewan with a successful defence of her thesis, Conversations Between Medieval Texts and Digital Editions: The Remediation of Harley 4205, which was an extended case study for our project. She is now a PhD candidate at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Also, welcome to new team members Julie Maseka and Madison Taylor, who are Honours English students at the University of Saskatchewan. Hailey Mullock presented her work on hierarchies of decoration in Lydgate manuscripts at the U of S Undergraduate Project Symposium.
December 2016: Ben Neudorf and Yin Liu published their article on signes-de-renvoi in the online resource ArchBook.
October 2016: Congratulations to Medieval Codes volunteer student researcher Christina Fowlie-Neufeld, who not only graduated with Double Honours in English and Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, but also won the University of Saskatchewan's Rose Litman Medal for Excellence in the Humanities.
August 2016: Hailey Mullock presented a poster on her case study, 'Hierarchies of Decoration in Manuscripts of Lydgate's Troy Book,' at a U of S research poster competition. Yin Liu presented a paper on 'Information Insecurity in Some Middle English Romances,' based in part on work by Megan Dase, at the Romance in Medieval Britain conference at the University of British Columbia.
July 2016: Welcome to new team member Hailey Mullock, an Honours English student at the U of S.
April 2016: Christina Fowlie-Neufeld and Melissa Reid presented posters on their case studies for an exhibit event at the U of S Museum of Antiquities.
March 2016: Danielle Grant presented a talk, based on her Harley 4205 case study, on digitisation of medieval manuscripts, at the annual U of S graduate student conference. Yin Liu presented a very short flash talk on 'Reading with Spaces in Early Medieval England' at the Fordham University annual medieval studies conference, 'Manuscript as Medium'. (At some point she should stop just talking about this subject and get down to writing an article about it.)
November 2015: Welcome to new team members Christina Fowlie-Neufeld and Melissa Reid, undergraduate student volunteers with the Museum of Antiquities at the U of S.
September 2015: We said a sad farewell to Megan (Wall) Dase, who went off to Leuven, Belgium, to start work on her Masters degree. But we also welcomed Tristan B. Taylor to the team; he is a PhD candidate in the Department of English here at the U of S. Yin Liu presented a paper on 'Reading with Spaces in Early Medieval England' first for the CMRS Colloquium at the U of S and then to the Ante Moderns at the University of Alberta.
March 2015: Welcome to new team member Megan Wall, from the CMRS program at the U of S. Also, Danielle Grant presented her preliminary questions about British Library MS Harley 4205 at a U of S graduate student conference. And we got a little bit of free publicity courtesy of the University of Saskatchewan's On Campus News.
October-November 2014: Yin Liu presented a paper, 'Tracking the Signe-de-renvoi', at the annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, 'Textual Trails', hosted by the Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki, Finland, Oct 30 - Nov 1. To read a bit about signes-de-renvoi and the frustrations of tracking them, see Ben Neudorf's blog posts 'An Encounter with Bede' and 'Medieval Linking Strategies'.
October 2014: Yin Liu presented a paper, 'Stating the Obvious in Runes', at the Pragmatics on the Page symposium 'Linguistics Meets Book History', University of Turku, Finland, Oct 24-25. You can read her preliminary thoughts on our blog post 'Things that talk'. The conference paper has now been published in book chapter form, in Verbal and Visual Communication in Early English Texts, ed. Matti Peikola et al. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017) 125-139. Work by Brittany Pickering was of considerable assistance in the writing of this paper.
September 2014: Welcome to new team members from the U of S joining us as student researchers: Danielle Grant is in the English MA program and Courtney Tuck is completing a double BA (Honours) in History and Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies (CMRS).
August 2014: Welcome to new team member Corie Wiebe, joining us as a student researcher. She is completing her MA in English at the U of S.
June 2014: Welcome to new team member Brittany Pickering, joining us as a student researcher. She is completing her MA in English here at the U of S.
May 2014: The Medieval Codes project was awarded a four-year Insight Grant from SSHRC, the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Council of Canada.
April 2014: Best wishes to team member Jennifer Mainprize, who is leaving us for postgraduate work in speech language pathology at the University of Toronto. Jennifer's fine work on the project glossary, and on the physiology of reading, is still waiting in the wings until the project director catches up, but some of it will probably appear on this website in the near future.
September 2013: Yin Liu presented a paper, 'Ways of Reading, Models for Text, and the Usefulness of Dead People', at the INKE conference 'Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age: E/Merging Reading, Writing, and Research Practices', New York University, Sept 26-27. It's now been published in Scholarly and Research Communication 5.2 (2014).
September 2013: Welcome to new team member Jennifer Mainprize, joining us as a student researcher. She's a senior Linguistics student here at the U of S.
July 2013: We were at the Social, Digital, Scholarly Editing conference, July 11-13, here at the University of Saskatchewan. June 2019: Welcome to new team member Ariel Brecht, currently pursuing an MA in History at the University of Saskatchewan. Although the Medieval Codes project grant is now all wrapped up, Ariel has her very own SSHRC funding to study thirteenth-century sermon manuscripts.
July 2018: Yin Liu presented a paper, 'Visual Indexing in Medieval England: Memory, Mind, and Information,' at a session on 'Visual Remembrance' at the Leeds International Medieval Congress in the UK. Our SSHRC grant has now come to an end, but various team members still contribute as volunteers. I wish to thank all of the Medieval Codes team, past and present, for their great work. And the project continues.
October 2017: Congratulations to Julie Maseka and Madison Taylor, who graduated with their Honours BA degrees in English and are now contemplating old books in Calgary and Vancouver, respectively. Welcome to new team member G. Sinclair, an MA student in English here at the U of S, who is investigating manuscripts of Bede's Historia.
June 2017: Yin Liu with the assistance of Madison Taylor presented a paper, 'Rereading the Middle Ages,' at the conference of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.
April 2017: Congratulations to Hailey Mullock, who graduated with her BA in Honours English and went off to Toronto to study information (yes, you can do that). She remains on the team as a project volunteer.
January 2017: Congratulations to Danielle Grant, who completed her MA at the University of Saskatchewan with a successful defence of her thesis, Conversations Between Medieval Texts and Digital Editions: The Remediation of Harley 4205, which was an extended case study for our project. She is now a PhD candidate at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Also, welcome to new team members Julie Maseka and Madison Taylor, who are Honours English students at the University of Saskatchewan. Hailey Mullock presented her work on hierarchies of decoration in Lydgate manuscripts at the U of S Undergraduate Project Symposium.
December 2016: Ben Neudorf and Yin Liu published their article on signes-de-renvoi in the online resource ArchBook.
October 2016: Congratulations to Medieval Codes volunteer student researcher Christina Fowlie-Neufeld, who not only graduated with Double Honours in English and Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, but also won the University of Saskatchewan's Rose Litman Medal for Excellence in the Humanities.
August 2016: Hailey Mullock presented a poster on her case study, 'Hierarchies of Decoration in Manuscripts of Lydgate's Troy Book,' at a U of S research poster competition. Yin Liu presented a paper on 'Information Insecurity in Some Middle English Romances,' based in part on work by Megan Dase, at the Romance in Medieval Britain conference at the University of British Columbia.
July 2016: Welcome to new team member Hailey Mullock, an Honours English student at the U of S.
April 2016: Christina Fowlie-Neufeld and Melissa Reid presented posters on their case studies for an exhibit event at the U of S Museum of Antiquities.
March 2016: Danielle Grant presented a talk, based on her Harley 4205 case study, on digitisation of medieval manuscripts, at the annual U of S graduate student conference. Yin Liu presented a very short flash talk on 'Reading with Spaces in Early Medieval England' at the Fordham University annual medieval studies conference, 'Manuscript as Medium'. (At some point she should stop just talking about this subject and get down to writing an article about it.)
November 2015: Welcome to new team members Christina Fowlie-Neufeld and Melissa Reid, undergraduate student volunteers with the Museum of Antiquities at the U of S.
September 2015: We said a sad farewell to Megan (Wall) Dase, who went off to Leuven, Belgium, to start work on her Masters degree. But we also welcomed Tristan B. Taylor to the team; he is a PhD candidate in the Department of English here at the U of S. Yin Liu presented a paper on 'Reading with Spaces in Early Medieval England' first for the CMRS Colloquium at the U of S and then to the Ante Moderns at the University of Alberta.
March 2015: Welcome to new team member Megan Wall, from the CMRS program at the U of S. Also, Danielle Grant presented her preliminary questions about British Library MS Harley 4205 at a U of S graduate student conference. And we got a little bit of free publicity courtesy of the University of Saskatchewan's On Campus News.
October-November 2014: Yin Liu presented a paper, 'Tracking the Signe-de-renvoi', at the annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, 'Textual Trails', hosted by the Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki, Finland, Oct 30 - Nov 1. To read a bit about signes-de-renvoi and the frustrations of tracking them, see Ben Neudorf's blog posts 'An Encounter with Bede' and 'Medieval Linking Strategies'.
October 2014: Yin Liu presented a paper, 'Stating the Obvious in Runes', at the Pragmatics on the Page symposium 'Linguistics Meets Book History', University of Turku, Finland, Oct 24-25. You can read her preliminary thoughts on our blog post 'Things that talk'. The conference paper has now been published in book chapter form, in Verbal and Visual Communication in Early English Texts, ed. Matti Peikola et al. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017) 125-139. Work by Brittany Pickering was of considerable assistance in the writing of this paper.
September 2014: Welcome to new team members from the U of S joining us as student researchers: Danielle Grant is in the English MA program and Courtney Tuck is completing a double BA (Honours) in History and Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies (CMRS).
August 2014: Welcome to new team member Corie Wiebe, joining us as a student researcher. She is completing her MA in English at the U of S.
June 2014: Welcome to new team member Brittany Pickering, joining us as a student researcher. She is completing her MA in English here at the U of S.
May 2014: The Medieval Codes project was awarded a four-year Insight Grant from SSHRC, the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Council of Canada.
April 2014: Best wishes to team member Jennifer Mainprize, who is leaving us for postgraduate work in speech language pathology at the University of Toronto. Jennifer's fine work on the project glossary, and on the physiology of reading, is still waiting in the wings until the project director catches up, but some of it will probably appear on this website in the near future.
September 2013: Yin Liu presented a paper, 'Ways of Reading, Models for Text, and the Usefulness of Dead People', at the INKE conference 'Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age: E/Merging Reading, Writing, and Research Practices', New York University, Sept 26-27. It's now been published in Scholarly and Research Communication 5.2 (2014).
September 2013: Welcome to new team member Jennifer Mainprize, joining us as a student researcher. She's a senior Linguistics student here at the U of S.
May 2013: At the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, Michigan, Yin Liu presented some thoughts on the project in 'The Digital Scribe: A Riddle', for a session on 'Critical Remediation: Intersections of Medieval Studies and Media Theory'. Many thanks to the session organisers, to audience members, and especially to Andrew Higl as the respondent, for helpful comments.